Celcorr1 - Corrosion cells

Celcorr1 - Corrosion cells

Cylindrical corrosion cells

- Material: Glass resistant to sudden change in temperature
- Threaded PTFE cap
- 6 holes of 15.0 mm in a PTFE base
- 6 threaded blind connections
- 6 threaded connections for electrode input (work, reference and counter electrode)
- Sealing all connections with 0-RINGS
- Saturated calomel reference electrode protected with glass (with KCI inside), containing small silver wire to allow ion exchange between the electrode and the solution - the electrode must fit and be threaded in the threaded connection for electrodes input.
- Platinum electrode (plate with an area of ​​at least 1 CM²) - The electrode must fit and be threaded into the threaded connection for electrode input. The electrode wire should be wrapped with glass.
- Working electrode of carbon steel - the electrode must be embedded and have a surface area of ​​1cm². The electrode should fit and be threaded into the electrode connection. The electrode wire should be wrapped with PTFE.