RE-1S Aqueous Reference electrode (Ag/AgCl) (013393)

RE-1S Aqueous Reference electrode (Ag/AgCl) (013393)


  • For application in an aqueous solution.
  • Relatively long life time.
  • Small size for the standard type (RE-1B).
Reference potential
AgCl + e = Ag + Cl -
0 = 195 mV vs RHEK (25 ° C)
∗ The reference potential is the measured value using RHEK reversible hydrogen electrode kit (Cat. No. 013373).


Catalog No. Description Junction Electrolyte Isolation Purpose
013393 RE-1S Aqueous Reference electrode (Ag/AgCl)  IPPG 3 M NaCl Glass SECM

∗ IPPG: Ion Permeability Porous Glass

∗ Keep the reference electrode in a cold dark place.
∗ Take care when you open and unseal the electrode. The liquid junction tip could be taken out when you pull the black protector.