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A IPPG (Ion Permeability Porous Glass) tip is attached to the end of its glass tube, and ions transmit freely.


  • Parts for the own manufacturing of the reference electrode
  • 9 mm diameter sample holder could be used as a double junction of 6 mm of the diameter reference electrode
  • 9 mm diameter can be used in SVC-2 voltammetry cell (MCA and SVC-3C mode)
  • RE-1S and RE-7S can not be fitted in a 6 mm diameter sample holder
Catalog No. Description Size
012177 Sample holder dia 9.0 mm (2 pcs)  9 mm 7 mm


Handling Precautions

Please pay attention on the handling of the Sample holder - Reference electrode - Repair kit for sample holder.


The following solvents are recommended:

  • Water
  • Ethanol (EtOH)
  • Acetonitrile (AN)
  • Propylene carbonate (PC)
  • Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
  • N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)
  • Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
∗Other solvents were not tested. Please pay attention if you are using a solvent other than the above mentioned.

2.Body material

These products are made by glass, they can not be used in acid-base which attacks the glass.
Also, there is a possibility that the glass will break when submitted a strong impact.

3.Liquid junction

Do not touch the liquid junction. The porous could be clogged, and no longer can be used.


After immersed the liquid junction tip on the solvent, be carefully to do not dry it. If you dry it, the supporting electrolyte precipitation will clogged the porous of the liquid junction tip and it could be broken.
After use, please rinse and keep it immersed in an electrolyte solution. If you are planning to do not use for a long time, change the internal solution of the sample holder to deionized water, ethanol or acetonitrile, and keep immersed in the same solution.

Storage example