Cell Vials
Cell Vials - buy online

Cell Vials

Various shapes and sizes of laboratory hard glass cell vials are available for users' purposes. Please be referred to their capacity as well.


Glass cell for SVC-2, SVC-3 and VC-4

001056 001051
cat#001056 cat#001051
SVC-2 Voltammetry cell
SVC-3 Voltammetry cell
011504 012672
cat#011504 cat#012672
VC-4 Voltammetry cell
Diameter error for glass cell is about +/- 0.5 mm.
Catalog No. Description Sample Volume Quantity Application
001056 Sample vial (20 mL) (10 pcs) 5∼15 mL 10 pcs SVC-2 and SVC-3
001051 Water-Jacketed glass cell (20 mL) 5∼15 mL 1 pc SVC-2 and SVC-3
011504 Sample vial (5 mL) (10 pcs) 1∼3 mL 10 pcs VC-4
012672 Water-Jacketed glass cell (5 mL) 1∼3 mL 1 pc VC-4

      ∗ The volume mentioned in the table is an approximately capacity of the cell.
         The sample volume needs to be adjusting according to the experimental purpose.


Catalog No. Description Corresponding vial
001209 Cell holder for 20 mL vial #001056
011227 Cell holder for 5 mL vial #011504


Glass cell for RRDE-3A and Bulk electrolysis cell

012632 012652
012632 - Sample vial (100 mL) 012652 - Water Jacketed Glass cell (for bulk)
Bulk Electrolysis cell & RRDE-3A
Diameter error for glass cell is about +/- 0.5 mm.
Catalog No. Description Sample Volume Quantity Application
012632 Sample vial (100 mL) 50∼80 mL 1 pc Bulk Electrolysis cellRRDE-3A
012652 Water-Jacketed glass cell (100 mL) 50∼80 mL 1 pc Bulk Electrolysis cellRRDE-3A

   ∗ The volume mentioned in the table is an approximately capacity of the cell.
      The sample volume needs to be adjusting according to the experimental purpose.

Sample vial for alkaline solution

013580 013581
013580 - Sample vial for alkaline solution (100 mL) 013581 - Sample vial for alkaline solution (200 mL)
Bulk Electrolysis cell & RRDE-3A
Diameter error for glass cell is about +/- 0.5 mm.
Catalog No. Description Sample Volume Quantity Application
013580 Sample vial for alkaline solution (100 mL) 50∼80 mL 10 pcs Bulk Electrolysis cellRRDE-3A
013581 Sample vial for alkaline solution (200 mL) 110∼130 mL 8 pcs Bulk Electrolysis cellRRDE-3A

   ∗ The volume mentioned in the table is an approximately capacity of the cell.
      The sample volume needs to be adjusting according to the experimental purpose.

Application example

for CV measurement for RRDE measument
For Cyclic voltammetry using 100 mL Sample vial for alkaline solution For RRDE measurement using 200 mL Sample vial for alkaline solution


Catalog No. Description
013596 Teflon cap for CV (100 mL)
013582 RRDE-3A Teflon cap (for 200 mL)